
Stuck on Repeat

August 4, 2019 – Tammy Herzig shares the message “Stuck on Repeat” How many of you have ever said any of these words to yourself? “I will never do that again!” “I will never procrastinate on a project ever again.” “Never again will I buy generic toilet paper!” “Never will I ever again engage in...


Don’t get it Twisted – All Things Work Together For Good

July 28, 2019 – Pastor Barry Clair concludes the series “Don’t get it Twisted” with the message “All Things Work Together For Good” In this series, we’ve been examining verses from the Bible that are often abbreviated, misinterpreted, misunderstood, and then misapplied.  Sadly, the verse we are examining today is one of those whose misunderstanding...


Don’t get it Twisted – Ask Anything In My Name

July 21, 2019 – Pastor Barry Clair continues the series “Don’t get it Twisted” with the message “Ask Anything In My Name” In the series that we’re in, called “Don’t get it Twisted” we’ve been looking at how often we misinterpret and misapply sacred Bible passages.  In an attempt to find Biblical permission for our...


Don’t get it Twisted – Not More Than I Can Bear

July 14, 2019 – Pastor Barry Clair continues the series “Don’t get it Twisted” with the message “Not More Than I Can Bear” We are in the middle of a series called ‘Don’t get it Twisted.’  We’re looking at certain passages of the Bible that we twist to make them fit with our preconceived theories,...


Don’t get it Twisted! – I Can Do All Things

July 7, 2019 – Pastor Barry Clair continues the series “Don’t get it Twisted” with the message “I Can Do All Things” Most of you, I would wager, have Philippians 4:13 memorized.  You’ve seen it on tee-shirts, you’ve seen it on tattoos, you’ve seen it on coffee mugs, you’ve seen it on picture frames.  In...


Don’t get it Twisted – Judge Not!

June 30, 2019 – Pastor Barry Clair starts the new series “Don’t get it Twisted” with the message “Judge Not!” Turn with me to Matthew chapter 7.  Over the next several week, I’m going to examine some Biblical passages that are often misunderstood, misapplied, mismanaged, and misused.  Oftentimes, people use the Bible to proof-text their...


Fathers Man Up!

June 16, 2019 – Pastor Barry Clair shares the message “Fathers Man Up!” I feel lead of the Spirit today to honor our Fathers.  Today, I am going to bring a message simply titled “Fathers Man Up!”  Now when you use that term Man Up, quite often it indicates previous to manning up, we’re not...


Storing Up Treasure In Heaven

June 9, 2019 – Pastor Barry Clair shares the message “Storing Up Treasure In Heaven” I can think of no better way to frame this message this morning than with a quote from John Piper’s study of [Matthew 6:19-21].  He said, “Evidently, there are two ways to live; you can live with a view to...


Friending God – Yearning For Closeness

June 2, 2019 – Pastor Barry Clair concludes the series “Friending God” with the message “Yearning For Closeness” Over the last several weeks, we’ve looked at several people in Scripture who had an authentic friend-style relationship with God.  In week 1 we looked at Abraham, the only individual in the Bible that God called His...


Friending God – Face-To-Face

May 26, 2019 – Pastor Barry Clair shares the message “Face-To-face” in the Series “Friending God” Almost nothing makes m more uncomfortable and downright angry than when someone stares at me.  Ever had that happen?  Why does that make us so uncomfortable?  Is it because we think they are judging our appearance?  Is it that...