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Tiffany Fellowship Church is a body of believers holds the Bible as its highest rule of faith and conduct. Since we believe in the resurrection and the impartation of the Holy Spirit, we pursue and follow His leading in everything we do.
Go Deeper.Those two words hold a lot of meaning here at Tiffany Fellowship Church. Our mission is to go deeper, not just in our personal relationships with Jesus Christ, but in creating disciples. Scripture tells us in 2 Corinthians 3:18 that we are transformed from glory to glory – a continuous and constant process. We believe there is no limit placed on age or circumstance, God is in the process of pursuing and transforming every single one of us. That’s why we do what we do. Every missionary we support, ministry we have, study we lead, and event we do is a part of our mission to go deeper.
To put it simply, we believe the Bible – Genesis to Revelation. Seven days of creation, the worldwide flood, pillars of salt, plagues, a sea that split in two, surviving a sleepover with lions and fiery furnaces, trumpets that brought down walls, the giant murdered with a stone, and even that time when the sun stood still, all true. There is a lot to learn about God in those things, but the most important part is what happened after all of that. You see, we believe that in order to save His creation from the fate they willingly entered into in the garden, God sent His Son. The one and only.
Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, Mary. Fully God and fully human, He lived a sinless life. Jesus performed a lot of miracles and told a lot of stories, but the greatest lesson He taught was His life. During His time on planet earth, He fulfilled every prophecy ever spoken about Himself. Then He predicted His death and resurrection and pulled it off. At the cross Jesus declared, “It is finished.” We believe Jesus was sent to serve as the sacrifice we all owe, but can never pay. His death and resurrection are the cornerstone of our faith. There, at the cross, we are forgiven. It is there, we are saved.
The Bible is our highest rule of faith and conduct. It outlines and counsels us throughout our lives as Christ-followers. For a list of the fundamental truths of Tiffany Fellowship Church, click the link below.
If you’ve decided to make Tiffany Fellowship Church your church home and would like to become a voting member of our congregation, we’d love to have you join our upcoming membership class. In this four-week course we take a deep dive into the fundamental beliefs of our church and the biblical responsibility of church membership.