August 2, 2021

Our Fight – The Jesus Model

August 1, 2021 – Pastor Barry Clair brings the third in the series on Spiritual Warfare called “Our Fight” with the message “The Jesus Model”

We are in a series on Spiritual Warfare called OUR FIGHT.

Week one we learned that the Bible teaches that we have an unseen enemy in an unseen dimension that wants to destroy us.  We learned that we must soldier up and armor up in preparation for war.  We learned that there is an evil day coming for us, for all of us, but we are expected to stand our ground in the face of attack and that we are equipped by God to take the fight to the enemy and to overcome.

Last week we learned that when Jesus sent out the 72, he was demonstrating that spiritual power was for ALL of His followers.  We learned that demons submit to the name of Jesus, but that we cannot use the name without the relationship.  We learned that Jesus gave authority and protection to His followers to overcome the enemy.  And we learned that spiritual power is not in who we are but in whose we are.

The purpose of this series is to teach us and prepare us for the coming, last days increase in spiritual attacks on the church and God’s people.