July 29, 2019

Don’t get it Twisted – All Things Work Together For Good

July 28, 2019 – Pastor Barry Clair concludes the series “Don’t get it Twisted” with the message “All Things Work Together For Good”

In this series, we’ve been examining verses from the Bible that are often abbreviated, misinterpreted, misunderstood, and then misapplied.  Sadly, the verse we are examining today is one of those whose misunderstanding has made believers into doubters, and disciples into agnostics.  Many believers use this verse as a sort of shield against bad things.  “If you’re a Christian,” they say, “things ought to go right.  It’s normal for things to go right.  God has promised you that everything will go right.”  “Come to God,” they say, “and all your problems will melt away.”  And then when things don’t go right, bad thing do happen to them, they become disillusioned and it can shipwreck their faith.