Because of Christmas – The Incarnation

Because of Christmas – The Incarnation

December 6, 2020 – Pastor Barry Clair begins a new series “Because of Christmas” with the message “The Incarnation” A new study from Lifeway Research found that COVID-19 will cause some changes to how most Americans usually observe the holidays.  Many will give fewer gifts.  Many will travel and see family a lot less because...

Surviving the Surge – A Disciplined Mind

Surviving the Surge – A Disciplined Mind

November 29, 2020 – Pastor Barry Clair concludes the two-part series “Surviving the Surge” with the message “A Disciplined Mind” According to the Merriam-Webster website, “Doomscrolling and doomsurfing are new terms entering our vocabulary.  They refer to the self-destructive tendency to continue to surf or scroll through bad news, even though that news is saddening,...

Surviving the Surge – The Peace of Jesus

Surviving the Surge – The Peace of Jesus

November 22, 2020 – Pastor Barry Clair is back behind the pulpit and shares “Surviving the Surge – The Peace of Jesus” Back in March of two-thousand twenty, the COVID pandemic seemed a long way away.  Didn’t it?  It seemed unreal, far away, and a bit disconnected from any of us.

Storm Strategies

Storm Strategies

November 15, 2020 – Pastor Dave Hintz delivers a blueprint for surviving and triumphing through the storms of life with “Storm Strategies”


Be Anxious For Nothing

November 8, 2020 – Elder and Teacher Danna Batten shares a word of comfort called “Be Anxious For Nothing”

How You Should Vote

How You Should Vote

November 1, 2020 – Pastor Barry Clair shares a timely message called “How You Should Vote” It has never been my policy to tell people who to vote for. But today, I’m going to try to show you HOW you should vote. The national election is days away.  Perhaps many of you have already voted. ...

Arise to Your Kingdom Purpose

Arise to Your Kingdom Purpose

October 25, 2020 – Teacher and guest speaker Dallas Elder brings a powerful message to the church called “Arise to Your Kingdom Purpose”

Get This 1 Life Right – Sustenance In Suffering

Get This 1 Life Right – Sustenance In Suffering

October 18, 2020 – Pastor Barry Clair concludes the series GET THIS 1 LIFE RIGHT with the message “Sustenance In Suffering” Today, I conclude the series GET THIS 1 LIFE RIGHT. God holds the times and seasons of our lives in His hands.  Each of us has a number of days like grains of sand...

Get This 1 Life Right – Living In The Meantime

Get This 1 Life Right – Living In The Meantime

October 11, 2020 – Pastor Barry Clair continues in the series “Get This 1 Life Right” with the message “Living In The Meantime” It’s the aim of this series GET THIS 1 LIFE RIGHT to remind us all that we get only 1 shot at life. The Eastern religions teach karma where a person gets...

Get This 1 Life Right – Chronos or Kairos?

Get This 1 Life Right – Chronos or Kairos?

October 4, 2020 – Pastor Barry Clair kicks off the new series, “GET THIS 1 LIFE RIGHT” with the question for all believers “Chronos or Kairos?” In this series, I want to remind all of us that we get 1 shot at life.  Only 1 try.  There are no mulligans, no “do overs,” no reincarnations,...