Our Youth services are designed to engage STUDENTS GRADES 6-12 with fast-paced worship, age and gender appropriate small groups, biblical teaching that is relatable to the world that your teen lives in, and all of this happens in a safe and welcoming atmosphere. Under the overall mission of Tiffany Fellowship Church,
We exist to reach, teach, and release teens to go deeper.
Here is how we do it:
Youth Ministry at Tiffany Fellowship Church is intentional in its engagement with this generation to have a deeper knowledge of who they are in Christ in a world that is trying to convince them that their identity is not secure, but fluid and circumstantial. This means that we speak biblical truth to your teen about their God-given identity and purpose. We place honor and trust in the Word of God to lead and teach as it is our highest standard of faith and conduct. You can count on biblical teaching to be heard at every youth worship service and for your teen to learn about God’s promises and design for their lives.
Being a teenager means growing. While physical and emotional growth are a key feature of this group, spiritual growth is of paramount importance. Putting it simply, your teen is going to grow closer to or further from God. Our approach is to empower and equip teens with the biblical foundation and spiritual disciplines necessary to continue to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ. We do this through active and intentional discipleship in small groups, prayer, and worship as well as events like Youth Camps, Conferences, and Fine Arts.
Good discipleship produces servanthood & evangelism, so we place a high priority on servanthood and evangelism in our Youth ministry. Students actively participate in Missions giving, serve in all ministries of the Church, and are personally responsible for and commissioned to take the Good News of Jesus to their school campuses and beyond. This looks like service projects, volunteering, campus clubs, and events on the public school campus. We partner with Speed the Light and Youth Alive to accomplish these goals as well as participate in events like See You at the Pole, a public school prayer initiative.
Youth are more than the next generation. We are the NOW generation.
Jason Hardison
Youth Pastor
Having grown up at Tiffany Fellowship Church, Jason considers it a dream come true to now be a part of the church’s ministry team. The church has played a foundational role in his life, and he is honored to contribute to the spiritual growth of others in the same community that helped shaped his faith.